Since the turn of this Century, we have helped Market leaders in ICT analyse numerous markets. We have also helped them position successfully and create a number of new markets, solutions and segments whilst entering new verticals and emerging geographies.  Our focus areas have generally been the nexus of Enterprise Infrastructure & Peripherials , Networking, Middleware & Applications Software, Communications & Devices, Services & Outsourcing and Security segments. We are focused Globally and across most Industries (especially Finance, Telcoms, Health & Public Sector).

Most of our Analysis is aimed at hand holding Vendors through developing a solution, a segment, it's sub-sectors, it's reference architecture, it's sizing, future forecasting estimates and early go to market messaging Frameworks and even sales tools.  We deliver our analysis generally through a number of highly tuned briefs and reports. We also deliver them via our subscription programmes namely;

SIP (Strategic Intelligence Programmes) which are aimed at vendors, service providers, SI's & consultancies provide insights into the market, brief focus on sub-segments, value stack, vertical focus and Key VP level Messages that should be going out to the sales and marketing teams. This service also provides guidance and highly strategic advice on what Senior Company Executives and its management should be aware of and the impact of competitor announcements. We currently have SIP services on; 

1) Digital Transformation - Overall Direction

2) Digital Platform Solutions - Emerging Business Platforms

3) Enterprise Infrastructure - Cloud to Edge Platforms

4) Routes to market - Implications of as-a-service

5) Services Overall - New Strategies and Directions


MIS (Market Intelligent Services) which provides our clients with regular intelligence on market activities, analysis and data.  Our current services are on;

1) Digital Transformation in Telecoms

2) Digital Transformation in Healthcare 

3) Digital Transformation in Insurance