We have a proven track record and reputation of providing highly valuable strategy consultancy at senior levels. We provide In-depth customised consulting including quantitative and qualitative analysis. We have guided different sized companies from leading global corporations to small companies on their IT strategies and investment plans, on technology road-maps to negotiating with vendors, on executive guidance workshops to product evaluation presentations. We have also spent significant time and expertise in guiding CEOs and VPs of the largest technology vendor companies on what direction to take, which geographies to invest and how and which product lines to develop. We can help guide with highly tailored projects in creating eco-systems, value stacks, partnership & acquisition strategies, investments & return on investment strategies, technical consulting, regulatory consulting, client presentations and road maps for vertical solutions. 

We are currently helping both Vendors and corporate clients on their Digital and Transformational Technologies evaluations. Aiding enterprises to transform their thinking, their business processes, their relationships & Ecosystems, their sustainable competitive advantage, by unlocking the revenue potential of their data and market positioning through a tailored value-driven focus on Digital implications. 


We provide Consultancy under two groups;

1) Strategic Consultancy

The Strategic Consultancy Group focuses on providing high value, high knowledge, comprehensive advice and strategic analysis. This hub delivers advice and analysis to both the vendor and the corporate end-user communities.

We are helping vendors and SIs transform their thinking, their business processes, their relationships, their sustainable competitive advantage, by unlocking the revenue potential of their solutions and market positioning through a tailored 'Digital' driven focus on strategic analysis and through effective delivery of compelling measurable performance. What does a Digital Transformation market mean to you, more profits or more problems? Where does technology fit into the equation? How do you leverage value from partnerships and create profitable eco-systems? How to translate this into a competitive solution regionally by leveraging global assets and delivering 'As-A-Service' offerings, What Platforms do you need to create, How about your Digital Experience management Solutions?, Is Outsourcing and BPO going to last in its present state or are Service companies going to have to adapt and change, how do you highlight Analytics, AI, Security in this new 'Intelligent Edge' world? Do you know how to value stack your Cloud products, etc? 

We are helping guide corporations (End-Users)on how to optimise 'change' especially for new digital business models revolving around clients and creating outward waves challenging businesses to adapt to new models, processes, functions and relationships. We enable clients to leverage data and technology, as well as provide migration strategies to deliver improved ROI. The impact of technology is enterprise-wide, across many core business functions and processes; we work with clients to ensure technology is applied and not just deployed. Our understanding of vendor solutions enables us to advise and guide clients, to ensure the latest thinking is provided. We have a tremendous wealth of experience working with CEO's and CIO's on formulating IT strategies, optimizing IT operations, business continuity plans, security directions and compliance issues.   

  • Market Dynamics
  • First Take on Emerging Technology
  • Reference Architectures
  • Frameworks & Component Segments
  • Technology Road Maps
  • Routes To Markets
  • Migrating Segments
  • Messaging
  • Sales Tools
  • End-User Surveys
  • Customisation
  • Eco-Systems
  • Value-Stacks
  • Vendor Choice             
  • Migratory Paths           
  • Technology Analysis
  • SLAs
  • Investment Returns
  • Vendor Analysis
  • Emerging Solutions
  • Reference Architectures
  • Technology Road Maps
  • Deployment Strategies
  • Product Road Maps
  • Regulatory Implications
  • Value -Driven strategy


2)  Rapid Consultancy

The Rapid Consulting Group provides fast bespoke consulting services. This consulting cluster delivers a number of services to mainly repeat clients, including a combination of primary research and advice as well as the ability to cover a variety of markets and or technologies. Our talents are not confined to the vendor and service provider communities but also extend and include vertical corporate end-users.

"Confidence" is a prerequisite in remaining focused, but its even more important in the process of execution. Knowing you have sound measurements, an in-depth understanding of the market, and where it is headed, and solid strategies of where you want to go are part of the solution in attaining goals, pushing forward and having the confidence to take action.  Action metamorphoses concepts and strategies into realising goals and objectives, otherwise, the best plans remain as blueprints. We can provide you with the confidence to execute, enable you to take action and speed your execution given our significant experience and the measures you need.

A majority of our consulting projects are repeat business, clients have come to expect high-quality fulfillments on which we deliver and continue to execute. We have undertaken a wide variety of consulting projects that have included the development of eco-systems, due diligence, investment planning, market research, market surveys, End-user studies, positioning papers, market planning, strategic sales planning, business unit strategies, Routes to markets, Messaging, quick desk research, competitor benchmarking, etc.   


  • Business Case Analysis
  • Market Dynamics
  • Technology Analysis
  • Primary Research
  • Secondary Research
  • Company Analysis
  • Market Dynamics
  • Partnerships
  • Eco-Systems
  • Regulatory
  • Investment Returns
  • Market Forecasts